I am very excited for all that 2013 will bring! And in looking forward to the new year I have begun to determine my New Years resolutions. Now, I have had resolutions before and some I was able to stick to and most I failed miserably at. Why? Because some were unrealistic and others were easy to make excuses for.
One step I am taking to assist myself in keeping my 2013 resolutions is writing this post so it is written in a semi-public forum and in a space I can return to in the event I forget what resolutions I believe I can keep. Another step is making them attainable and setting realistic and measurable goals for myself and not making sweeping resolutions such as; "I will be healthier" "I will workout more" or "I will think positively all of the time"
With these steps set in place here we go!
My 2013 New Years Resolutions:
1. Cut down on making excuses for myself - ex. I am carrying a bag, therefore I can take the elevator to my 3rd floor office or everyone else is eaton French fries...if I choose to do these things I need to own it and not rationalize. My mantra for this will be "no excuses".
2. Stop talking like a trucker! I will swear, I know that but I don't need to use a 4 letter word in the middle of my sentences, I need to cut back and use them for real emphasis. Ex. When I stub my toe or when I stub my toe again.
3. Mooooooove! I want to go to the gym more and I want to eat better blah blah blah - who doesn't? But one effort I can make towards this realistically is to move my arse more. (See what I did there I didn't say...) walk to work, take the stairs, stretch when I wake up. I have a fitbit now and this has already made me more aware of how much I move. A minimum of 10,000 steps each day is what I have set for myself!
4. Saying hello! I would like to take the effort to let people know I am thinking of them. When I see something in a store, when I see a card they would like, when I like a Facebook post- I will let people know. Send it to them, tweet it at them, comment on a post not just "like" it. Once a week I need to do make sure an do this with my friends and family. I think of people a lot and its time to put this into action!
5. CRAFTS! I love crafts - looooove. But I never give myself time to do it. And with Pinterest the world knows I have plenty of craft ideas to keep me busy for approx. 5 years with no breaks or sleep. So my plan is to complete 1 craft a month. Small, large - it doesn't matter just do one!
And with that we have my 2013 resolutions! Ta da!
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